Our Services

Home Delivery

Drinking Water Systems

Problem Water Solution

Tap Water Filter

Shower Water Filter

Home Water Test

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About Our Company

Water treatment is a process that improves the quality of water to make it suitable for a specific end-use. Our Water Solution Treatment is to provide pure and safe drinking water with the latest modern technology and superior quality. Water Solution Treatment has the goal to make the world’s best Water Treatment Machines in the world. Making the best means doing lots of little things right. It means mistaking fastest or cheapest with the best our products include traditional, old world techniques carefully updated with modern applications

Our Products

500 ml Botttle

12 Rs. 25 Rs.

1 Litre Bottle

20 Rs. 35 Rs.

20 Litre Jar

40 Rs 65 Rs.


Ashish Mishra

The taste of water is pure . I am satisfied with super products

Rajiv Mehta

Accurate , pure water by prabal water. Awesome service as well as products

Praveen Thaney
Admin Vintech

Price , Quality , Quantity, Packaging, Taste all excellent